Report / Analysis Report
1950 € HTVA Asbestos certificate report
150 € HTVA per sample
290 € HTVA per sample / certificate 48h
00352 - 27 28 15 38 |
The graph shows the consumption of asbestos in the Federal Republic and the GDR in the period from 1948 to 1993. It can be seen that especially in the 1970s, decreasing well into the 1980s, the consumption of asbestos in Germany was still relatively high, despite the onset of bans and the known potential danger.
As a result of the restrictions (see chronology below), asbestos consumption in Germany fell well below 2,000 t in 1991. Today, asbestos is only used in Europe in a few exceptional cases: e.g. in chlor-alkali electrolysis. The amount of asbestos mined worldwide is currently between two and three million tonnes per year.
Source: BIA Manual, 2001
The first graph shows a sharp rise in asbestos consumption in the old FRG from 1948 to 170,000 tonnes in 1965. After 1965, asbestos consumption stagnated at a high level of around 160,000 tonnes/year. Since 1980, the increasing substitution efforts led to a steep decline in the consumption curve, so that asbestos consumption in 1989, for example, the year of German reunification, was about 50,000 tonnes (HVBG, 2003; DGUV, 2013). Since the ban on spray asbestos in 1979, a wide variety of asbestos regulations have been implemented, which in 1993, in accordance with the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances
led to a general ban on the manufacture, use and marketing of asbestos, so that asbestos consumption in Germany has fallen to practically zero (HAGEMEYER et al., 2006). The second chart shows the products and product groups/categories in which asbestos imports were used in the manufacturing process in the old Federal Republic in the 1970s.
Source: BBSR, 2011; BG Bau, 2008